The International Society for Military Ethics in Europe
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3rd EuroISME Annual Conference
2–3 May 2013
Royal Netherlands Navy Event Center, Amsterdam

Conference Report

The conclusion of the nearly 100 conference participants was explicit: Euro-ISME is well on its way to become an internationally recognized and influential society with an important range of tasks.

This year again, the conference theme was highly topical with regard to the number of conflicts actually going on all over the world – often with the use of armed force.

Both, illumination of the academic research on conflict issues as well as disclosure of specific experience, acquired in numerous peacekeeping missions, were equally embraced during the two-day event
But the exchange was not limited to discussions carried on high level panels. In almost the same manner , the conversations during coffee breaks and lunch in the extraordinary well-equipped meeting rooms of the Royal Netherlands Navy were outstandingly suitable to deepen personal contacts and expand ISME’s international network.

President's words

“Yesterday morning, when I was opening this conference and predicting the abundance of our exchanges, I think I was far from the reality.
Everybody agrees now to say that the programme of these two days has brought a high level of reflection and interest. I just have one regret, which is not to be able to be everywhere at once and not to have been able to attend all panels and enjoy the richness of each of them. But I am sure you all feel like me.
Let me thank all of you again for your participation in this 3rd Annual Conference. Whether you came as a lecturer, organiser or in the audience, you have largely contributed to the success of our meeting.
Many thanks also again to the Director of the Netherlands Defense Academy and his deputy, Navy Commodore J. SNOEKS, as well as to the entire team which has enabled us to live most interesting moments in a serene and comfortable environment!”


With these words, the president of Euro-ISME, brigadier general Benoît ROYAL, concluded the 3rd Euro-ISME Annual Conference 2013 which was organised in cooperation with the Netherlands Defence Academy at the Royal Netherlands Navy Event Center in Amsterdam.
Thus keeping the impetus given at the inaugural meeting from June 2011 in Paris and revived in last years 2nd Annual Conference at the UK Defence Academy / Joint Services Command and Staff College in Shrivenham, the Euro-ISME members and their guests set a clear signal for continuity in their endevour of promoting international exchange in the field of military ethics. Additionally, they contributed to the further deepening of cooperation with European civilian and military education and training institutions.
In particular, the number of “Institutional Members” has been consolidated which support the company not only ideally, but also financially with a corresponding membership fee.
The meeting also offered the annual statutory frame for “the Ordinary General Assembly”. The members unanimously approved the annual reports of the chairman and of the treasurer and they elected with Chief Chaplain Leif Tore Michelsen from the Norwegian Army and Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Srecko Kuzmanovic from the Serbian Army two new delegates to reinforce the Board of Directors for the term 2013-2015.

Impressions from the Conference


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